Over the next few weeks we hope to introduce you to the world of Muckmire Marsh and all of our wonderfully weird sisters and such. Keep checking back as we comb the family album and add to the tree, but for now let us start with Henrietta's own modest biography:
Henrietta (whose middle name is Gorgeous and it's pretty clear why) is the unofficial matriarch of the Witches of Muckmire Marsh. Having inherited Creepstone Cottage in the heart of the marsh from her great Aunt Willimeana years ago, she opens it's doors to her friends and relatives inviting them to visit and stay as long as they like. Some come for a week and some stay for a few years in the warm, welcoming home she has made it.
Henrietta is the bestselling author of a series of books including her most popular tome The Joy of Brewing so it's no surprise that she can usually be found at the cottage baking, cooking or brewing in her well appointed kitchen or writing in her little library nook.
Henrietta is currently single having divorced one warlock, turned another into a toad, and having her third go missing mysteriously. Her favorite color is purple, her favorite drink is apple cider and her favorite book is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Tessie is a cousin of Henrietta's on her Father's side. She grew up best friends with Henrietta and the two were inseparable as teenagers - particularly during the difficult phase when it was accidentally revealed to their classmates that despite being a witch, Tessie is deathly afraid of spiders. Their great friendship has gone on through the ages including Tessie being the Maul of Honor at Henrieta's first wedding.
Tessie is very crafty and can often be found gluing, cutting, painting, and glittering happily making gifts for the ones dear to her. She has dabbled in everything from scrap booking and frame making to ceramics and raku pottery. She also loves to sing and has been compared favorably to Cass Elliot and Ella Fitzgerald.
Tessie recently became engaged to a handsome woodsman she met quite by accident and is looking forward to a long and happy life with him and their pet wolf.
Priscilla (Prissy for short) is a second cousin of Henrietta's. As a child, Henrietta often went to visit Priscilla for a fun filled couple of weeks during summer vacation. Indeed it was Priscilla's mother, Henny (whom Henrietta is named after), that taught them both the ways of gardening on those long hot summer days.
Priscilla is an expert at gardening and Henrietta often credits the bountiful supply of squash and pumpkins Priscilla supplied her with in the early days as her inspiration to master her first recipe - Pumpkin Bisque.
Priscilla is a widow having lost her husband in a freak accident at Perth County Fair. The incident involved an exhibition stand collapsed sending Priscilla's prized 1,834 pound pumpkin rolling off into the crowd and directly over Mr. Punkinbottum. (It was some consolation that the pumpkin won first prize in the Cucurbita category and there was plenty of pumpkin pie to serve at his well-attended funeral).
Hyacinth is Henrietta's younger sister and obviously inherited her blood line's good looks. At a graceful six foot two inches, she towers over other witches with her beauty and has turned many a warlocks heads (some right around due to a bad habit of waving her wand for emphasis).
Hyacinth's sturdy frame and flair for fashion led her to become an expert style consultant to some of the most prestigious witches of the world including Grand Dame Desmondia, model Judalien Jojosephat, and Broadway actress Patti Lupone.
Hyacinth spent many years living at Creepstone Cottage with Henrietta while working on her highly regarded reference book Witch Wardrobe Through the Ages. That lead to her writing a regular fashion column for Harpies Bizarre and numerous appearances on talk shows, panels and lectures.
The Wizard is Henrietta's Great Uncle and was brother to Aunt Willimeana. Once a great and powerful Wizard, in recent years the now elderly man has rather begun to loose his sensibilities and become quite easily confused.
He lived for a number of years in the Brackenridge Home for Aging Wizards but after a regrettable incident involving a misplaced crystal ball, Henrietta thought it best to bring him home to live out his twilight time. She wisely replaced his magic wand, staff and potions with harmless replicas, thus avoiding any further unpleasantries or accidents.
The wizard spends most of the time peacefully slumbering in a comfortable chair in the garden, in the living room by the fire, or in his cozy attic room overlooking the pumpkin patch. In his rare moments of lucidity, he enjoys a good game of Chinese Checkers though it's best to play as quickly as possible lest he loose more marbles and thereby making finishing the game quite impossible.

Ezmerelda has long been jealous of both of her sister's success, fame and fortunes despite the hard work that went into them. Most of all she despises Henrietta for inheriting Creepstone Cottage and Hyacinth for inheriting Great Aunt Willemeana's magic locket. She lives in the gloomy Graywake Tower in the swampy part of Muckmire Marsh (which was once the stately home of Wizard Whadzisnam and was left to her by Aunt Willemeana) and does not enjoy visitors.
Ezmerelda spends far too much time plotting revenges for the imaginary slights and misdeeds she feels has been committed, though not having paid much attention in school her diabolical plans are easily foiled and often meet with little success. Despite her sisters constant forgiveness and gestures of friendship, Ezmerelda is determined to remain a villain.